Premier Issue: The Savvy Life

Some of you remember us as publishers of the former Estate Life magazines. We are pleased to return to the newsletter/magazine format—this time with no boundaries to our circulation area! So welcome to our premier issue of The Savvy Life newsletter!

We offer you the option of receiving The Savvy Life newsletter in digital format only, or the combination of digital and print.  Most of us better digest the content when we physically hold and read through the pages. But we keep our print publication quick-read and to the point, because we know you are busy.  And savvy people don’t like waste!

Think of the publication itself as a recap and guide to much, much more information and related content available online.  Articles posted to The Savvy Life page on contain links to podcasts, videos, websites, registration pages and other resources for easy access.  You’ll find the online version of all the feature articles that are inside the publication so you can further explore the subject matter that you’re most interested in. (see below)

Confirm your subscription to The Savvy Life and request print if you’d like to receive a hard copy in the mail.


click on the cover to open your digital copy

So what is LIVING A SAVVY LIFE is all about?

We’ve categorized the three key areas of A Savvy Life as follows:


From architecture to art and furnishings, the atmosphere or energy that permeates your living space plays a pivotal role in your mindset. And your mindset in its best form is key to living a SAVVY LIFE. 

Preserving and Promoting History, Architecture, Aesthetics, and Cultural TraditionsPreservation Park Cities, The Forest Forward Initiative

Making Its Mark in the Dallas Design DistrictKitchen Design Concepts

Top Ten Most Expensive SOLD Properties in North Texasfind out who listed and sold them!

Real Estate Opportunities Near & Far…whether you’re seeking a pirate’s island…an investment in Quintana Roo…a chateau in France…a haunted mansion…or a property or building lot close to home, you’ll find it here!


Optimal wellness includes taking care of you and your loved ones physically, mentally, emotionally and socially and managing the work-life balance.

Why Are So Americans Missing Out on Happiness? Beverly Smirnis discusses this topic as a show guest and speaker.

Hair is Often One of the First Things People Notice About SomeoneJohnny Rodriguez Salons and Advanced Hair Restoration are top resources.

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Health Awareness Month...but AWARE supports important research 12 months a year


We explore culture & philanthropy and the various businesses and industries that drive the city.

Stay tuned, reach out, get involved!  We’d love your input and ideas!

The Savvy Life recaps recent activities, offers a bevy of resources and aspires to be a source of inspiration for those of you who are long-time North Texans.  But we’re also looking for strategic referral partners to take a LEAP with us by joining our effort to expand our reach to all the newcomers to our neighborhoods. 

Are you willing to help us help the newbies settle in, get involved in their community, and begin enjoying The Savvy Life in their new Texas home?  If so, sign up to join our group of Leaders, Entrepreneurs And Pros. Then watch your inbox for an upcoming invitation to join us for an informal brainstorming session as we gear up to accomplish these goals.

Beverly & Steve Smirnis
[email protected]
(817) 528-7235

Life On The Estate

Life On The Site

Life On The Set

Life With A Twist

About The Savvy List