Healthy Holiday Cooking With Tonya McPherson

Join us on November 4 for a Holiday Cooking Class

“Growing up, we always had a garden. Days were spent snapping peas, making pear butter, taking care to prepare everything that the earth yielded to nourish our family, all the while, telling stories, laughing and making precious memories to nourish our souls, ” says our new Estate Life Resident Recipe section sponsor, Chef Tonya McPherson a.k.a “The Eat Clean Get Lean Chef.”   Check  her out:  eatcleangetleanchef on Facebook.

In her late 20’s, Tonya was diagnosed as a pre-diabetic. So, for the next 20 years she went about studying and modifying her diet the best way she could.  “I thought I was eating ‘healthy,’ said Tonya.  “Then, at the 2017 State Fair of Texas, I was introduced to the ‘Waterless Cooking System’. Eureka! A ‘tool’ to cook healthy! Cooking ‘water free’? This dramatically and almost instantly changed my health! I lost 34 pounds in 2 months without trying! I looked like me again, felt better and thought clearer! WOW! (With Out Water) As a natural teacher, I HAD to share.”

She had always been known as a great cook, making fabulous food and a beautiful table. So, three years ago, she embarked on a new chapter of her life, leading cooking classes.  This had led her to events all across the country and earned some interesting accolades, including a second-place finish in the McAlister, Oklahoma’s Italian Fest, spaghetti sauce contest.

Her fans say that they love watching and learning from her because of her cheerfulness, and passion for food, family and a healthy lifestyle.

Tonya has a heart for servicing others.  Her own charitable passion stems from a personal experience.  “Our family had a friend with congenital vision challenges and I wanted to understand and help others,” she said.  “Over the years, I’ve worked with some of the foremost ophthalmologists in our neighborhood and added optician to my resume.”   Every Christmas, for the past 14 years, Tonya and fellow volunteers dispense over 260 pairs of eyeglasses to our veterans and the homeless, right here in Dallas.

Because of her passion for others, she would love to partner with you to bring fun into your favorite fundraiser or event.  She will customize ‘edu-tainment’ and a meal for the focus of your group!

She has agreed to do free ‘edu-taining’ cooking classes, (which includes, a 3-course meal plus dessert) each month for a small group from our neighborhood area.  In our Resident Recipe section, we will feature her recipes and highlights from those events.  We’ll bring wine to pair with what she’s cooking and just ask that attendees bring a nominal cash contribution of $15 to help us cover costs of the food and wine that we’ll share.

Please let Beverly Smirnis know you’d like to join us November 4 or be on our list for other upcoming classes.  We will confirm the time and location when you respond.  Hurry!  It’s first come, first served!  Space will be very limited for each class.

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