Addressing Food Insecurity in North Texas

Food Insecurity
Cars line up for the Center Table Fall Harvest drive-through food distribution event. Sponsors were HEB, The Mark Cuban Foundation, The Dirk Nowitzki Foundation, The Heroes Foundation, City of Dallas Office of Arts and Culture and NFM, in partnership with the North Texas Food Bank.

Dallas’ Center Table events have provided more than 32,000 meals and 2 million pounds of food to families and households.

Center Table launched in May 2020 to address the difficult times many families faced during the pandemic. Now, as inflation continues to take its toll on families, the need for food assistance remains high. Center Table’s service to the community has become a tradition.

The Center Table Fall Harvest is one of several drive-through food distribution events held throughout the year at Mark Cuban Heroes Basketball Center.  The Fall Harvest event provided Thanksgiving meals to hundreds of families. Additional snacks and meals were included to help families feed children throughout the school holiday week. Meal boxes were also delivered to older adults living in the neighborhood. Special distribution centers at Dallas ISD’s Roosevelt High School and Kiest Park Recreation Center also assisted. In total, some 1,300 food boxes and turkeys fed for more than 5,000 people.

Serving up meals for families in need
A state trooper helps out at Dallas’ Center Table Fall Harvest
Addressing Food Insecurity
Storm Guard Roofing and Construction organized a volunteer day and donated $5,000 to the Tarrant Area Food Bank (TAFB).

The Tarrant Area Food Bank (TAFB) serves over one million meals weekly to families in need across 13 counties.

TAFB held a massive holiday food distribution event at AT&T Stadium. It coincided on the same day in November as Center Table’s Fall Harvest.  It marks the fifth straight year that TAFB and the Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic have collaborated. Their Thanksgiving Mega Mobile Market feeding thousands of families. AT&T Stadium, Dallas Cowboys, American Airlines, and Arlington Police and Fire departments were sponsors.  The MW Cares Foundation and Albertsons/Tom Thumb provided generous food donations.

This article appeared in the Holiday 2024 Issue of The Savvy Life. For our many newcomers to the Dallas/Fort Worth area, this issue is designed to inspire them to get involved and explore all that the North Texas community has to offer.  And if you’re a native or longtime resident, the content inside will remind you how fortunate we are to be part of a community that embraces humility, passion and kindness. North Texans place a high value on preserving and promoting our history, architectural treasures and culture. We encourage you to spread the word about it.

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